
PD_ParallelDecomposition PD_ParallelAlgorithms PD_ParallelPerformance TCPP_Programming TCPP_Algorithms CS1 CS2 DSA Systems ParProg

Described by Yifat Ben-David Kolikant (Kolinkat2001). Two introduction questions presented by Steven Bogaerts as part of his “real-life analogies” (Bogaerts2014, Bogaerts2017).

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Start with some generals questions from Steven Bogaerts:

“If I can shovel my driveway in 1 hour, how long would you expect it to take if someone equally capable were to help me?”

“If one person can dig a hole with a shovel in 100 seconds, how long will it take for 10 people to dig that hole?”

The drive-way shoveling analogy is easy to split up and is relatively easy for students to recognize on how to do. The hole digging analogy is much harder to split up.

To connect it better with the work of (Kolikant2001), we present a third question involving planting trees:

“Suppose the goal is to plant 100 trees. Each tree requires than you dig a hole, place the tree in the hole, and refill the hole. Assume each of these steps takes 100 seconds. How long does it take for one person to plant 1 tree? How about 100 trees? Suppose 10 people worked together to plant trees. How long will it take?”

Now suppose instead of 10 people we have only 3, and each person followed the algorithm below to plant 100 trees in a straight line (Kolikant2001):

Person 1                 Person 2                Person 3
Do 100 times: Do 100 times: Do 100 times:
Dig hole Put tree in hole Refill hole
Walk 2 meters Walk 2 meters Walk 2 meters

CS2013 Knowledge Unit Coverage

Parallel Decomposition

Core Tier 1: 1. Explain why synchronization is necessary in a specific parallel program. [Usage]

2. Identify opportunities to partition a serial program into independent parallel modules. [Familiarity]

3. Write a correct and scalable parallel algorithm. [Usage]

Core Tier 2: 4. Parallelize an algorithm by applying task-based decomposition. [Usage]

5. Parallelize an algorithm by applying data-parallel decomposition. [Usage]

Parallel Algorithms, Analysis and Programming

4. Identify independent tasks in a program that may be parallelized. [Usage]

5. Characterize features of a workload that allow or prevent it from being naturally parallelized. [Familiarity]

Elective: 9. Give examples of problems where pipelining would be an effective means of parallelization. [Familiarity]

Parallel Performance

1. Detect and correct a load imbalance. [Usage]

TCPP Topics Coverage

Programming Topics

Algorithms Topics

(Kolikant2001) presented the original exercise in an upper-level course on concurrency.


This assignment seems generally accessible. For students who are blind, the prompt needs to be made available in Braille (if given on paper).


(Kolikant2001) presented a component of the above as the second assignment in an upper-level course on concurrency. Despite the differences in the solutions, Kolikant found that she could classify all the responses into five main categories, including three centralized solutions, and two decentralized solutions. Found that many students changed the problem to a simpler solution (e.g. each person received a third of the threes). 36.6% of the students identified that there were dependencies between the people planting trees, and assumed a constant rate of work for each. However, approximately half the students were able to identify that a “constant rate of work” is not realistic in real-life, including those that made the assumption. In post-interviews, some students mentioned that they used the constant rate assumption to make the algorithm “succeed”. Students who took a decentralized view were in the minority; for example, one student in the post-interview said they were not comfortable using a pipelining approach, since it was unclear how long it would take each gardener to travel from one hole to another, and that it was theoretically possible for Person 2 to finish their work and travel to the next hole before Person 1 finished their task of digging it. (Kolikant2001) argues that these findings support the notion that students have trouble orchestrating entities in decentralized systems.

(Bogaerts2014) used the analogies as part of a larger unit in parallelism. He mentions that the total amount of time spent on parallelism was larger in the section that used analogies and hands-on activities compared to the one that presented the topics in a traditional lecture-style format (4 hours vs 90 minutes). However, the section that used analogies and hands-on activities performed better than those who received the information in a traditional lecture-format. Bogaerts argues that it is much better to spend more time on fewer parallel concepts in a hands-on way in an introductory course, rather than covering a variety of parallel concepts in a non-hands-on way. The final conclusion drawn is that analogies and hands-on activities enabled students to learn better and stimulated greater interest in the subject than a course that delivered the material in a typical lecture-style fashion. (Bogaerts2017) extends the assessment of the original paper, but found that while student interest increased, the desire to learn more decreased. The authors theorize that this is because most of the students in the course were non-majors who will not be pursuing computing in the future.
