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CS2013 Knowledge Unit Coverage
PD/Parallel Decomposition Core Tier1, Core Tier2
2. Core Tier 1:Identify opportunities to partition a serial program into independent parallel modules. [Familiarity]
5.\ Core Tier 2:Parallelize an algorithm by applying data-parallel decomposition. [Usage]
TCPP Coverage
Programming Topics
- Apply Data parallel: Be able to write a correct data parallel program for shared-memory machines and get speedup, should do an exercise. Understand relation between different notations for data parallel: Array notations, SPMD, and parallel loops. Builds on shared memory topic above. (1 hour)
Recommend Courses
CS0/CS1/CS2: The activity authors recommend using this exercises in in any of the introductory programming courses.
DSA/ProgLang: In addition to CS2, TCPP recommends that the concept of data parallel can be introduced in DSA or Programming Languages. For a large course, the instructor can pick a few student volunteers to illustrate the exercise to the rest of the class.
This activity requires students to get up and go to a chalk board to complete exercise, and may be challenging for students who are mobility-impaired.
- Unknown (None found)
- S. K. Ghafoor, M. Rogers, D. Brown, and A. Haynes, “ipdc modules (unplugged)” last accessed Oct 16, 2019. [Online]. Available: https://www.csc.tntech.edu/pdcincs/index.php/ipdc-modules/